We all want our house to look clean, yet we also know that that is not a hundred percent achievable. If you have dogs or cats, they often shed hair on the floor, carpet or couches. In case your children still cannot organize their toys, you may find a truck or a doll in odd places.
Despite that, whoever said that it is impossible to make your home look less messy than it is in actuality?
Here are some tips on how you’ll be able to achieve that clean house vibe.
- Use Air Fresheners
We remember seeing a TV ad a few years back in which a company that sells air fresheners sprayed it in a very unsanitary public bathroom. The walls are grimy, the door for every cubicle is unhinged, and the toilets seem like they have not been rinsed for ages. Then, they made random people go in there to describe the smell, which turned out to be pleasant. It was only after that that the company revealed the actual state of the bathroom, but the reactions are not as bad as one may think since they can still smell the air freshener.
Although your house may not be as troublesome as that public bathroom mentioned above, what we’re trying to help you envision here is the idea that good odor can change someone’s perspective about a place instantly. You may have toys all over the floor; your dishes may still be on the sink. However, if you have an air freshener all over your home, the visitors won’t think much about the imperfections.
- Set Up Baskets With Lids Everywhere
Another trick that you might find helpful is placing large baskets with a cover on different points of the house. Say, put one beside the refrigerator, another one outside the bathroom, and then one more in the living room. These containers should not only be statement pieces but should also serve as bins for whatever clutter you may want to hide from your guests quickly.
Having baskets all over your residence is important, especially if you tend to strip off your clothes anywhere in the house and go straight to bed with no care in the world after work. It is also an effective way to teach children to clean up after themselves. Even though their organizational skills are unpolished still, they can at least take toys off the floor and into the basket.

- Keep Only The Necessary Kitchen Appliances On Display
When you have a home of your own, you undoubtedly want to buy every kind of appliance there may be at the store and display them. This way, when visitors come, you can wow them with the number of fancy fixtures you have.
Nevertheless, if we’re honest, you do not always need all the kitchen appliances on a daily basis. Though you cannot bake, for instance, the pastry mixer is still on display. Say, you can only fry eggs, yet various pots and pans are out to make guests think that you genuinely cook. You may not even drink coffee, but your coffeemaker is on the countertop.
Such items merely turn into clutter in your kitchen; that’s why it looks super messy. They seem out of place because you rarely or never use them. To make this area cleaner than usual, you will then have to stow away the unnecessary items to create more negative space in the room.

How would you like to have friends and family come over without giving you time to tidy up the house and still receive compliments because of how everything looks and smells altogether?
Give the tips above a try, and let us know what you think with the outcome. Cheers!