6 Benefits Of Having A Multilevel Garage

In this world, there are a few people who wish to stay alone or with their family in a condominium or apartment complex within the metro. Despite the limitedness of both the living and parking spaces, they believe that more opportunities will open up for them there. Thus, these folks only think of leaving the congested city once they can already afford the mortgages that come with purchasing a house and lot in a decent area.

Source: geograph.org.uk

Considering you have achieved the latter, then congratulations are in order. You may now build your dream home and possibly not work your fingers to the bone to ensure that there’s a roof above your head. Nevertheless, if there’s still enough space in your property, you should build a multilevel garage in it.

Below are the benefits of doing so.

1. You Can Create A Guest Room

When you hail from a large clan, it should no longer shock you if various relatives ask whether they can visit your place almost every month. They may be cousins who are looking for work in the same city or grandparents from the other side of the coast. That is especially true once they find out that you have enough room in your new home.

The thing is, it is undoubtedly rude to turn them away or say that they should sleep in a hotel. In case they cannot fit in your house, it seems wise to add another level to your regular shed. The room on the second floor can be a makeshift guest room, and you can try to make it as homey as possible. This way, none of your relatives will think that you are a snob when they come to your area.

Source: unsplash.com

2. You May Build An Office

Because of the growing number of individuals who post vlogs on YouTube or do freelance stuff, a lot of people do not need to leave the house to make money. Everything they need to do their work is already at home. Even the payments can take place from one bank to another. However, it does not entail that they will not get bored by only seeing the four corners of their room every day.

Because of that, it matters to have two layers of car shed. You will be able to keep your car at the first level, and then build an office on top. Even if the garage is in your backyard, you can still think of it as a real workplace since it is outside of your house.

3. It Can Have A Built-In Studio

Whether you are a dancer, musician, painter, or singer, you undeniably need a room all to yourself to exercise your craft. We have established above that it may be bothersome to keep on practicing your profession at home. That might cause you to lose your passion for what you love.

Source: flickr.com

To avoid that, it is better to make a multilevel garage. The empty upper level can become your studio where you may practice without anyone else bothering you. Depending on the garage’s size, you may even manage to accommodate students or offer free lessons to neighbors and other folks in town. It can serve as another source of income for you too, which is not a bad thing at all.

4. You Can Turn It Into A Storage Space

Building a garage will give you a chance to avoid storing empty boxes, seasonal décor and clothes, floor polishers, and other large objects that you have occasional use for inside the house. It is quite typical for homeowners with lots of possessions to put such items in a guest room if the basement isn’t enough to hold everything. When visitors come, therefore, they usually have to sleep on the couch because there’s no more room available.

Once you have a multilevel garage, though, things may be in more excellent order. You can move every item you don’t always use on its second floor. Aside from that, you may decorate it and turn the space into a full-sized closet. That will prevent your future guests from having to sleep on a chair or a mattress on the floor.

Source: maxpixel.net

5. It’s Okay To Set It Away From The House

Although the typical homes in the United States have a garage attached to them, this kind of setup decreases the expanse of space that the homeowners can turn into another bedroom or a bigger kitchen. That is why those who have enough room in the property opt to build at least a 30×40 garage with loft a little farther from the main house.

The benefit of making it happen is that the visitors can maintain privacy even when staying at your place. Similarly, they cannot bother you as well.

6. It Generates An Interesting Vibe

Multilevel sheds are incredibly unique, in the sense that not many homeowners think of doing that. Your garage can look more interesting when you allow the contractors to turn it into something like a small house that is complete with windows, stairs, and many more. That can attract your colleagues and family members to visit you often.

Source: pixabay.com

To Sum Things Up

Building a multi-story garage comes with more benefits than you can ever imagine. It is not as common as extending the house – that is correct – but it may be more practical than merely creating a shed. After all, you will be using vertical space, and the uncovered ground can become an area for parties and other family events.

Think about it when you buy a property. Good luck!

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